Tuition Lab

by eTech360


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Tuition Lab retrieves the cost of attending nearly 2600 non-profit two- and four-year undergraduate colleges and universities. These costs include tuition, fees, and room and board. In addition, the user is able to add costs related to books and personal expenses to get the total annual (and multi-year costs) of attending the selected school.Tuition Lab also permits the user to perform ‘what-if’ analyses by changing the amount of financial aid, family contribution, and student loans in order to ascertain the affordability of going to a particular school. What you have is a powerful – yet easy to use cost model that gives you the analytical capabilities found in programs such as Microsoft Excel – but without the need to use a PC or Mac.
Finally, Tuition Lab gives the user the opportunity to model income and expenses such as housing, automobile, and utilities that are part of everyday life after graduation. The most powerful feature of this app is its ability to give prospective students (and parents) the opportunity to look into the future to see how their choice of school ultimately affects their financial lives.